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We are Here!


New England is a region full of charming cities, cultural attractions, picturesque villages, breathtaking landscapes, beautiful roads, abundant forests, rivers, lakes, sea, mountains, and plains.

New England is a little piece of America in the northeastern part of the country. Full of pleasures and with incalculable riches in the seven states that make up this attractive region with different seasons that enhance the region with its special touches, and that make every minute of it a worthwhile time.

To venture into New England is to let your imagination run wild, and to discover the thousands of pleasant sources scattered in this vast space, where those who know it will never forget!


POPULATION: 6.981.974 M (2022)




POPULATION:  1.386.3440 M (2022)


Places Magazines

POPULATION: 647.064 (2022)

CAPITAL: Montpelier



POPULATION: 3.626.205M (2022)

CAPITAL: Hartford


POPULATION: 1.093.734 M (2022)

CAPITAL: Providence

Portmouth - Nh

New Hampshire

POPULATION: 1.395.231M (2022)

CAPITAL: Concord

New England é uma região de cidades  encantadoras, atrativos culturais, pitorescos vilarejos, paisagens de tirar o fôlego, estradas cências, abundantes florestas, rios, lagos, mar, montanhas e planícies.


New England,  um pedacinho da América no extremo nordeste do País, recheada de prazeres e com riquezas incalculávéis nos sete estados que compõem esta atrativa região com distintas estações que encantam com seus toques especiais, e que fazem valer a pena  cada minuto de tempo.  


Aventurar-se em New England é dar asas a imaginação, e sair a descobrir as milhares de fontes prazeirosas espalhadas  neste vasto espaço, onde,  quem conhece não esquece jamais!



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